Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I really hate it when my brain goes on vacation and doesn't take my body along. It's grossly unfair.

Isn't participation in a SEAL "experience," for a single week, like playing in a sandbox and bragging that you've crossed the Sahara?

Reading one romance novel and declaring they're all horrible is like eating a burnt cookie and declaring all cookies are horrible.

I think of all the troubles in the world, and saw the following article at Yahoo. It made me smile. US Marine Donkey Mascot

Three batches of blackberry jam are complete, with the potential for one more. This is when the mantra do-it-all-yourself-from-scratch is revealed for the silliness it is. By the time you factor in the cost of the jars, the ingredients (pectin, sugar, and the blackberry bushes), caring for the bushes, picking, prepping the berries, prepping the jars, cooking, ladling, and sealing, each of the 8 oz jars would cost at least $10 a piece, if I payed myself less than minimum wage for my labor. I could charge $5 a jar, if I didn't pay myself for my labor. Not that I can even sell it, because around here the commercial kitchen must be separate from the family kitchen. That being said, the jam is incredibly yummy, and better than anything the store has to offer. There are always tradeoffs. It is one thing to choose the tradeoff for myself, and another to have someone else tell me what I must choose.

Definitely feeling scattered.


  1. When we lived overseas, I did a lot of canning, partly because the produce was really really cheap, but mostly because it was also seasonal, and if you didn't preserve it you wouldn't have it later. It was also difficult to get dill pickles, so I made my own. There are days when I wish I still had time to do that here, as those were the best pickles I've ever tasted (if I do say so myself). My family agreed as well!

    You are right that food preservation isn't about saving money -- but it is about making something that tastes better than anything you can buy! And that somehow makes all the work and expense involved worth it. Enjoy that jam!!

    Sorry about the scattered thing.

  2. You make your own dills?! We will talk, later. :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.