Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"It's All About 4 Freakin' Things"

My sister started it... well, someone else started it, and she followed, and I decided to give it a try as well... What siblings get us into, so let that be a lesson to you...

Four Places I go:

1. L.A., once or twice a year, if I can afford it, to see friends.
2. Renaissance Festival, at least once a year, with friends.
3. Online, to visit friends.
4. My imagination, which takes me everywhere.

Four Crushes I Have:

1. Frodo Baggins
2. Team Jacob
3. Richard Cerqueira
4. Jonathan Silverton

Four Smells that I Love:

1. Fresh baked white bread.
2. Rain.
3. Horses.
4. Christmas.

Four Favorite TV Shows:

1. Scarecrow and Mrs. King
2. Highlander
4. Burn Notice

Four Favorite Movies:

1. Lord of the Rings
2. Ladyhawke
3. Harry Potter
4. The Man From Snowy RIver/Return to Snowy River

Four Recommendations:

1. Don't forget to breath.
2. The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable. Tell the truth anyway.
3. Find and be the real you; no one else can do it.
4. Emergency food supplies include food for pets and chocolate chip cookies (or whatever your favorite treat). If you're in a crisis, the last thing you need to decide is between you and the pets, and CCC almost always make the day seem like it isn't quite so awful.

Four People that I'd love to read their Fours:

1. Frodo
2. Boromir
3. Brother Cadfael
4. MacGyver

Four Things about me that you don't know:

1. I wrote horse stories, when I was little.
2. I used to make "caskets" from boxes to bury the dead birds I found in the yard.
3. I went to modeling school.
4. I saw Star Wars, with my younger brother, ten times, in the theater.

Four bands that I love:

1. Casting Crowns
2. MercyMe
3. Mannheim Steamroller
4. Styx


  1. My aunt just let me borrow Ladyhawke recently! I'd love to share my review with you when I get a chance to sit down and watch it!


    And Styx...great music! "Lady, when you're with me, I'm smiling"

  2. I'd love to hear what you think of Ladyhawke, Jonsi.

    The funny thing about Styx is that I didn't know I liked them. I hated the name, but as long as I didn't know who was singing it, I loved it! I finally got over the aversion to the name. :-D

  3. Learned things I didn't know. Fun Four.

  4. Ruth, for you, that's saying something. LOL!

  5. I chuckled at "the truth will set you free, but it will make you miserable first. Tell the truth anyway". It's so very VERY true. The Truth for me is so challenging but at the same time I'm feeling much better about life in general and my relationship with my family of choice is getting stronger

  6. lifesizevision (great name, I need to learn to do think that way), good for you! I use that quote with myself, A LOT!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.