Friday, June 24, 2011

Progress note...

I've started lots of new things, and stopped some and continued others. Today, I want to take a moment to update myself on what I've been doing. Regarding talking out loud with God, I really don't do that much. I do try to pray, on my knees, every day. When I was a missionary I learned to keep a prayer in my heart at all times. It's blessedly a habit I've never lost. That being said, I do feel like my prayer life is more engaged now, but that, I know, is due to my increasing trust in my Heavenly Father.

My first day of being REAL went pretty well. I accomplished more than I anticipated, though not everything I planned. I'm not complaining. I'm reading The Bible every day. Skimming names, I admit. Some of it is shocking, in my opinion, and I remember why I don't read it cover to cover more often. It's unsettling. I also realize that I'm seeing it through 21st century eyes, and there are concepts and meanings of words that have changed, over the years. Some words have changed so much that they mean the opposite of what they meant when the Bible was translated. I'm still endeavoring to follow the 40-day challenge. I'm definitely pursuing what I'm passionate about. In fact, I'm becoming even more focused. I'm waiting on some things, but reviewing and considering my various options, depending on the results. My life is never boring. ;-D

And for fun, Burn Notice Season 5 Episode 1 is up over at Hulu. :-)

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.