Friday, June 3, 2011

Well, this is unsettling...

I don't know what my body is doing, but I'm not impressed. This morning, I woke, as in eye-popping awake, at 3:00 AM, after 5 hours of sleep. Some of it seems to be back pain related, but even after taking ibuprofen it wasn't any better. It was simply less frustrating to roll out of bed and start my day, so I did. Today's must-do list was done by 6:00 AM. Then I went to work on a myriad of things that have been niggling at me. I found some books I was afraid I might have given away. YAY! Especially since it was the first three books of a series, and I was holding book four. I sorted through piles and piles of papers. I shredded lots of paper that needed shredding. I've eaten relatively healthily. I did what I could on a project, and worked on another. I've enjoyed some reading as well. How much longer am I going to last before I crash?

And I just learned to upload an image, to my blog. In the Mission Training Center, Mary Ellen Edmonds told us to do something every day that scares you to death. Doing something new on the computer that I've never done before scares me to death.

I stand with Israel.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.