Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What a day...

I finished work. I added four times as much material as my goal required. Time to adjust the goal. I want to be reaching farther, not settling for where I am. I was blessed with the opportunity to share my experience with a remarkable program with several delightful women. It was fantastic.

I finished Nick Vujicic's Life Without Limits. What an inspiring and joyful man. He's doing amazing work. I think the book might be a difficult read for some people, because he shares his experience with trying to help the sex slaves in India. It's a problem that spans the world. The ministry he's working with isn't trying to save everyone; they are trying to save one at a time. May God bless them in their continuing efforts. I laughed and cried, and felt uplifted. I tried to describe my feelings about the book to my BFF when she called. Nick has a contagious energy that makes one feel like you should go out and conquer the world. I'm encouraged to try harder in my own little corner of the world. Then I thought of Bonhoeffer, and I again had the same sense of having come home. In THAT place, I WILL conquer the world.


  1. I look forward to reading his book. Thanks for sharing the title.

  2. I am so excited for you about your growing project, sending all the inspiration and perseverance vibes I can!!


  3. You're welcome, Ruth.

    Thanks upsi! Much appreciated!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.