Friday, January 20, 2012

Article on Yahoo...

I already do a lot of these. Whoohoo!!

Now, the truth of it all. Like many people, I read and read and read and then celebrate and bob my head up and down when FINALLY someone agrees WITH ME!! See, I was right all along.

A sense of humor is mandatory for survival.

Reality check: Some of the things on the list are great, for me. Some of the things would be horrible for some of my friends. Some of the things are horrible for me, but would be great for some of my friends.

People do not come in one-size-fits all, ever.

Listen to your self. Believe in yourself. Accept yourself. Then follow your heart, but bring your brain along. (Thank you to my FaceBook friends!) Yes, that last bit of advice came from a picture posted by one of my FaceBook friends, and I wish I'd learned it a long time ago, but better late than never.


  1. Interesting article, at the end it asked what time of day do you have the hardest time staying on your diet? My answer, morning noon and night. :)

  2. LOL!! Mine is when I have to deal with certain people. :-D


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.