Monday, January 9, 2012

Carpe diem... finally...

With any luck, I will finish trimming back the blackberry bushes. What a tangle they'd become. Those vicious thorns don't make it an easy task, not by any stretch of the imagination. The worst is done. Now it's a matter of neatening up what's left. It will help everything be healthier.

Laundry, as always, needs to be done... maybe... that will be my flexible job. If it's done, great; if not, that's okay, too. It can always be done another day.

I'd like to make bread, but it depends on the trimming. That being said, fresh bread would be really yummy...

There are projects that need completing, and I have every intention of following through on those.

Hopefully, I also find some time to read. My TBR pile is growing again, because I haven't had time to read!

PBS has changed its lineup. I could complain that the new schedule doesn't suit me. Or I'll rejoice because it means I'll watch less television, and I simply don't have time for it now, anyway.

Follow up: Done but for the bread. The buttermilk was still frozen, so I'll try again tomorrow. LOL!


  1. Can i ever relate to the trimming. And blackberries! God's punishment for bears (but we inherited them). I have a small forest of them. Even the chickens leave them alone part of the time.

    Good luck with that. And yes, I want you to get to your TBR!

  2. That saying something that the chickens leave them alone. Tough birds.

    LOL! The ever growing TBR pile. I was whittling it down, until my book contract came through. I really need to learn to schedule my time so my writing is accomplished AND I have time for reading, which is what started me writing.

  3. I've been too ill as of late to do much, but I made one resolution that I'm somehow able to keep. Clean the sink out every night. *deep sigh* There are dishes there now - waiting - the little buggers. But this is my last little bit of computer work and then I'm off to the kitchen. Really not much there. I already unloaded the dishwasher and wiped down the counters.

    Keep at it, dear friend.

  4. Sharron, when you're ill, sometimes getting out of bed is an amazing accomplishment. Take care!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.