Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Goodbye January, Hello February...

I admit it: January and February are the most difficult times of the year for me, for numerous reasons.

I survived the holidays without going ballistic. A great achievement, but difficult to consider praiseworthy or even worth celebrating, since the implication is a bit dark in nature.

Finances are driven home. A nice way of saying I have to gather my tax stuff together and prepare to see my accountant. Never a happy occasion, even though I do like my accountant, who's a very nice person.

The longest, most tortuous month is before me. February. As much as a struggle as the holidays are, Valentine's Day is the toughest day on the planet, especially for someone who is single. The choice isn't because I wouldn't like to be in a relationship but because I'm not healthy enough to sustain a relationship. I'm much better about making and maintaining boundaries, but the man/woman kind was the first one violated, and the most difficult for me understand still. And if that isn't enough to discourage me, when would I have time now?

So, here's to being half way through. Only 29 more days to go. Great. An extra day this year. March will see things start to improve. I don't know why. I only know January and February are my toughest months of the year. I've stopped fighting it, and try to prepare as best I'm able.

Breathe in. Breathe out. There is no going around. There is only through. Blessedly, I have a circle of awesome friends who will help me. Thank God.


  1. You are not the only one. But - I found a trick that is incredibly helpful. Keeps me on the 'happy' path when it looks like winter is going to last 'til June.

    As soon as the winter solstice comes, daylight grows. Oh, it is the most wonderful phenomenon. Every day, I watch the weather. They always show the time the sun rises and the time it sets. The blessed wondrous thing rises earlier every day from December onwards and sets later every day from December onwards. Isn't that incredible!!!!

    It means - spring is on its way. We don't have to wait for a rodent to tell us this. From the moment the winter solstice passes, we are moving towards Spring. Glorious Spring.

  2. I do love the days growing longer!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.