Thursday, January 12, 2012

Week Twenty-Nine of REAL...

The 6th: weigh in: 236.6 lb. Bah!

The 7th: weigh in: 236.6 lb. One SEAL puppy rep. Two-plus mile walk, about an hour, so total is 60 minutes. I then spent two hours working in the yard, i.e., cutting back blackberry bushes, until the wasps woke up. Then it was time to go back inside. Almost done. Note to self, trim bushes early in the morning in January, when it's cold. As the air warms, the wasps wake up and start moving. You want to be done for the day before that happens. Really. Just sayin.

The 8th: weigh in: 237 lb. Eep! Today, it changes. If I want to be healthy, I have to make the effort to eat healthy, sleep healthy, and exercise healthy. I decide. Me. This was posted at FB. This is not to give myself permission to be heavy, but to encourage me to be healthy.

The 9th: weigh in: 237.2 lb. Sigh... I did eat better yesterday. Picking myself up; dusting myself off. One SEAL puppy rep. Two-mile walk, for 40 minutes, with total of 100 minutes. One more hour of yard work. The blackberry bushes are trimmed, and I've started on the apple tree. Anymore can wait until Saturday. Whew.

The 10th: weigh in 236.6 lb. Yesterday was my first day back on my writing schedule, with the nap in the middle of the day. It seems to make a difference. We'll see.

The 11th: weigh in: 237.2 lb. One SEAL puppy rep. Two-mile walk, in 40 minutes, for a total of 140 minutes. I'm not going to make 200 minutes this week. I'm not going to beat myself up over it. I did three hours of yard work. Moving is the goal, and I am. One more SEAL puppy rep.

The 12th: weigh in: 238.2 lb. Wait... What? Waist circumference: 39.5". Oh. Note to self: Measurements are more important than weight. I looked at my arms in the mirror. They aren't as flabby as they used to be. Cool. Muscle burns fat. Muscle takes up less space than fat. I'm kind of excited about today's numbers. Physical therapy, without weights.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.