Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Looking back...

...over the previous posts of late, and there are a lot of short ones, with pictures. Am I uninspired to write? Are you kidding me?

A day in the life:

6:00 AM Awake, SEAL puppy reps and walking.
7:00 AM Brainless stuff, going through emails, FaceBook, and blogs like Cake Wrecks. Document is open and reviewed, to give my brain time to think about it while I start laundry, make bed, hang out laundry, and start load two, cook up and eat breakfast/lunch, hang out load two, wash hair, make a few edits, bring in laundry, and lay down for a one hour nap, hopefully.
2:00 PM Make and eat lunch/dinner. More stuff online, while I begin working through edits.
5:30 PM Hot cocoa to start the rest of the evening. Work on edits, with short breaks online or reading.
1:00 AM Bed.

And start it all over again at 6:00 AM, with a slight variation in the morning routine.

People who don't know me well will suggest I become more involved with this, that or the other thing. When would I have time?

In years past, I've been a Golden Quill judge and been able to read through ten books in less than a month. This year, I'm volunteering for five books, and hoping I'll make it through in the allotted two months. All that being said, I'm not complaining. Really. I'm excited and happy about what I'm doing. I'm living my dream job. Whoohoo!!


  1. Phew! I'm ready for a nap myself after reading all that.

    Stop Censorship!! Stop the SOPA/PIPA bills!

  2. :-)

    And hear! Hear! To stopping SOPA/PIPA.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.