Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Update for myself...

Today's post is for me. I need to remind myself I am accomplishing a great deal.

This past weekend and Monday, I received back the edits for two books. One is due before the other, and it's more than half done, as of this morning. I intended to email it back, completed, today. Then I'll start the other.

One of my editors popped by, and it was great to chat with them. It helped to talk through their thinking, clarifying changes I need to make, not because they're smarter than me but because they were right in their assessments. I could see it as soon as they pointed out the problems. I'm so grateful for the clarification. I've learned how to accept changes and how to keep what I feel shouldn't be changed, usually by rewriting it so my perspective is more clearly stated. It makes a difference.

I enjoyed walking with my sister yesterday, and spending time with her. We chatted and laughed.

My regular work was started, though not finished. I'll do it, today. Really.

Funny side note: I stopped at my credit union and noticed the flags. Old Glory looked wonderful. The state flag made my head tilt. I couldn't understand why I felt "wrong." I asked the teller if I was wrong in thinking the blue field was supposed to be on the bottom, not the top. Nope. I wasn't wrong. As I left, the flag was being righted. All was right with the world again. LOL!

Picked up something for a friend. Now I need to figure out a way to mail it.

Chatted with my BFF in Florida.

Chatted a little on facebook but tried to watch my time so I accomplished what I needed to by the end of the day.

Wow... accomplished a lot.

Today is another day of pushing through things that need to be done. Pretty much an extension of yesterday. We'll see how I do.


  1. Little one is out of school. That means my world changes for the summer. I know it will be for the good, as all things are, but I am a little worried about the writing.

    Found a great blog that I think you might enjoy!

  2. I enjoyed our time together. Thanks for walking the extra mile. :)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.