Monday, February 21, 2011

Carpe diem... Happy President's Day

Did you know that Washington served in the British army? Honorably! I learned that this year. The cherry tree legend is a lie; I've know this for a long time. What kind of nitwit thinks it's a good idea to teach children to tell the truth by telling them a lie? And we wonder why we have problems with ethics, now? Hello!

Hate when I can't sleep at night. Makes the day feel like an obstacle course, all day long.

Drives me crazy when other people think they know what's wrong with you, and if you would simply ___________, then you'd be so much better off. Huh. Come closer, so I can re-arrange your face, ie, make your mouth disappear for starters.

Sleep deprivation has some interesting side effects. I tend to keep myself in the state because it keeps the nightmares away. Too tired for them. But when I'm feeling this kind of edgy, can't sleep, the mind doesn't have quite the same restraints. Then again, this is probably also a byproduct of PMS. Yippee, skippy! This is frequently when God finds Himself on the other end of a Scotch blessing. Well, He started it! Go ahead, try to argue with me on that one.

Sending myself to my room, now. Oh, wait, I'm already here! Great. Okay, God, now what?

How's that for a completely different perspective? :-) Don't let life become boring. It's far too short.


  1. so funny that I read this as I listen to an interview of the writer of Chocolate & Vicodin who blogged about her nonstop headache after losing 180 lbs. (she wrote about that also) and she talked about all the people who wrote in and told her how to "fix" her headaches.... I think of how many people (some in the family) who tell me how to "fix" my headaches.... I just smile and say thanks, I'm working with a good Dr. thanks.. thanks... it's harder still if you don't have something that you're working with a "PROFESIONAL" on..... :-P

  2. LOL Sleep deprivation has some interesting side effects. Enjoyed your perspective especially about rearranging faces with no mouths. I am thinking of several that could be improved that way.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.