Thursday, February 17, 2011

Closing your eyes to evil...

...does not make it go away.

Freedom in Chains by Deena Remiel

This well-written essay isn't easy to read. It's harder knowing that this story is far too common. Sadder still are all those who are still trapped. And for those who think that it doesn't happen to their friends or in their neighborhood, think again. I grew up on a street with a pedophile, an evil man who preyed on children of varying ages, and required that they prey on each other or be punished. Where were the parents of these children? Unbelieving that such evil could exist, regardless of the fact that they were Bible readers. For some reason, it never occurred to them that God wanted them to know the face of evil, so they would recognize it and crush it. I was saved from that heinous situation by my sister. She bargained me out. I remember.


  1. God help us all.

    You just reconfirm that I am not paranoid when it comes to my GD's safety. Sometimes, I think her mom thinks I'm nuts - but I don't care. I watch the little one like a hawk. And listen, too. It's amazing what we don't want to see and hear.

    Your dear sister!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.