Saturday, April 23, 2011

Coming to terms...

Someone, who says they love me, tells lies about me to their friends. I used to take it personally. Today, I realized that it isn't personal. They tell lies about others as well. I simply know about it, whereas others do not. It's easier to let go, now... No, that isn't quite true. It is easier to turn it over to God. Jesus was never a doormat, and I do not believe that I am expected to be a doormat, but there are battles that are not worth fighting. And this is one. I've tried explanations and capitulation, but it has changed nothing. I cannot change this person, but I can and will change me, what I feel and think and believe. My worth is not dependent on any person's good graces, but on God's grace alone. I have been richly blessed by God with friends who have worked tirelessly to teach me of my worth. I'm learning.

Other stuff: I struggled to decide if I should re-invest in my warehouse membership. Money is tight. I bought only a few things, but I realized that what I saved, in one small visit, paid for more than half of the membership. I need only go once more this year, and it will be paid for in full. A good investment.

Congratulations Carl! On winning today's Nationwide race in Nashville! Whoohoo!!


  1. Hooray for Carl.

    Babysteps to a richer, healthier life. You are doing awesome.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.