Saturday, April 2, 2011

Life is not fair...

Sometimes, I need to remind myself of that. I'm feeling very whiney, today. The cold is coming to an end, which means I don't feel wiped out, but I don't feel up to par, either. It's that unpleasant in between spot. I've really had enough of the headache I've had for all seven days. Or has it been eight, now? I want popcorn, but I don't have any in the house. I want to read, but I'm feeling very distracted. I want to feel better, NOW. I've been very patient all week, and now I'm done. I'm ready for it to be over. I was frustrated with trying to number a document. I tried to use the supposedly helpful Help feature offered by MS. It wasn't helpful. I could ask about numbers, which directed me to bullets and numbers. When I asked about numbering pages, it told me there was nothing related. Nasty pc program. I finally went to Yahoo and asked. Thank you eHow! Easy-measy. In no time at all, viola, my pages were numbered. I'm still cranky about that. No, I'm tired, and I'm sick, and I'm frustrated with still being sick and tired. I want to curl up in bed, but I'm not hopeful. I went to bed at a reasonable hour last night and laid there, unable to sleep. But I'm sooooo tired!! Okay, as my dear friend says, "Whine, whine, whine, stop."

My blackberry bushes are in bloom, lots and lots of blooms. Walking with my sister, this morning, at the park, we saw two sets of ducklings, eleven and ten respectively. So little! So fuzzy! So adorable! The roses are exploding into bloom. It's cooling down again, at least for the next few days. What a blessing. I enjoyed the garage cam at Martinsville. What fun! (NASCAR)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.