Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Still not well...

...and frustrated by that. Head is stuffy, and thinking is foggy. I managed to accomplish what I planned for the day.

Fellowship of the Mind posted the news that the author of the pedophile guide book only received two years probation. Not enough. Not nearly enough. This was my very, very edited response: A predator will always lie. No matter what. A skilled predator knows how to lie so convincingly that others believe them. They’ve learned how to weave in a truth, but it’s still a lie. The child has to live with the consequences for the rest of their life, so should the predator. And having been abused as a child is no excuse, ever. Accept personal responsibility. Oh, wait, personal responsibility isn’t PC.

I am so angry... I've had thrown back at me: You want mercy for you and justice for them. Actually, if I ever did anything so despicable, justice couldn't come quick enough or severe enough. No excuses.

There are those who tell me that the predators live with the consequences as well. They chose them when they made their decision to disrespect another human being; the child did not. No excuses.

All that being said, since I have no control, I am more than willing to turn it over to God, because God has already said that it would be better for those who offend a child to have a millstone around their neck and thrown into the depths of the sea.

1 comment:

Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.