Friday, April 15, 2011

Who am I? I am God's.

I was awoken at 4:30 in the morning by this thought. The rest of the day has pretty much been a wash. I make plans; God laughs. I did finally manage to finish my work, mostly, by about 7:30 p.m. I'm barely able to keep my eyes open, but know that if I go to bed too early, I'll be up before the birds, again. So, staying awake as long as I'm able, which isn't going to be much longer. My voice is still iffy. My head is still stuffy. I don't know much more today than I did yesterday, but I'm feeling more peaceful.

In the last two days alone, what have I discovered or re-learned about myself and who I am? I enjoy cooking. If I'm cooking, then it's a sure sign I'm feeling more like myself. I made pancakes and buttermilk syrup, yesterday. Yummy!! I've done some catching up on some reading. I've been enjoying the gourmet-a-day theme on my iGoogle page. Today featured Ron Ben-Israel Cakes. Oh, wow. And at the other end of the scale, I was asked where I stand in regards to Israel. I was blessed to grow up next door to a Jewish family. I made some hurtful and thoughtless comments in my arrogant youth. Thank God, I grew up, and we remained friends for many years. I also became better acquainted with my Bible. As an adult, I'd watch what the media would say, and then I'd call my friend and ask, "Okay, now tell me what really happened." I stand with Israel.


  1. Adsum, Domine! Here am I, Lord!!

    Yours to do with as You will!

    ~Sharon, aka Ashlyn

  2. Very positive statement. I like it.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.