Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I am God's. What is my purpose?

I am also an abuse survivor, fearful and brave, imperfect, flawed, hopeful, tenacious, creative, optimistic, reserved and friendly, a fighter, of worth...

This week, I will mourn the dreams I held dear for most of my life. God has been leading me along in the direction He wants me to go, and truly, I'm looking forward to the new adventure, but I think it's been a struggle because I haven't properly mourned and released the old dreams. They don't fit anymore. I don't think God minds.


  1. I think God understands mourning for He offers comfort to those that mourn. You are in my prayers.

  2. Mourning is definitely important and an essential part of the growth process. If you haven't properly mourned a loss, then you can't really move away from it. It will be a very healthy thing for you to do, and somehow seems appropriate this week!

  3. Mourning dreams is such an overlooked things! Good for you for recognizing it and good luck in the process. Who knows what new dreams will have room when you're done too?! Exciting possibilities!

  4. You are yours. You belong to yourself.

  5. Thanks, Anonymous. A good reminder, particularly as I'm trying to take ownership of myself. Not easy, when I was taught that I was an extension, not my own person, and a disappointing extension at that.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.