Tuesday, April 12, 2011

This and that...

I was watching P. Allen Smith's gardening show. He talked about creating terrariums when he was a kid. I thought: How appropriate! Then I wondered what I did as a kid: I made up stories in my head. I also loved to cook. Hmmm....

I'm feeling better, i.e., the head isn't as stuffy. My voice is pretty much back to normal. Thank God.

Brain is scattered. Don't know why. Not as worried about it as I was yesterday.

Yesterday, I found myself bitterly regretting how I allowed things to happen, after high school. When I say allowed I mean I didn't fight for me. I wanted to pursue the culinary arts, but was told that women couldn't make any money as a chef, only men could. I was told to major in engineering (regardless of the fact that I almost flunked high school calculus). Instead, I changed my major to home economics. Again, I was told that I couldn't make any money doing that, and I should become an engineer. (I turn numbers around.) Add to that, if a class was difficult, it didn't occur to me that I needed to find a different way to approach the class. I thought I was too stupid to figure it out, so I'd look for something easier. I had to pay someone to type my papers, and they pointed out all my deficiencies in spelling and paragraphing. I finally gave up on college because I thought I wasn't smart enough. When I finally went back I took only classes I was interested in and nothing too hard. Then I discovered the wonders of going to school with an available computer. By this time, I'd worked for Corporate America. I learned that just because it was hard didn't mean I was stupid. I learned to work harder and more efficiently. I discovered I had some amazing problem-solving skills. Yesterday, I wept because I'm not where I had wanted to be, ever. Today, I'm back to accepting what is and endeavoring to move forward from where I am.

1 comment:

Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.