Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Electoral College made easy....

Found in the Constitution
Electoral College - A body of people that elect the president and vice president.
That body of people represent the voters of all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Each state determines how those people are selected.

Idaho has four, so the people vote for A or B. The majority choose A, so all 4 electoral college votes go to A. Sometimes the popular vote is for B, in one part of the state, but A in the other, and all the votes go to A. In Nebraska, they break up their block of five, via region. How many each state has depends on the population of the state. The larger the state the more electoral votes.

It was created so that states with larger populations did not end up deciding everything for everyone. That being said, all states are not given the same number, which keeps little states from being tyrants. Along the same vein, it isn't wise to allow cities to make all the rules for farming areas, and vice versa. But we do need to figure out how to live together.

Think of itty-bitty Rhode Island next to New York, and city-saturated east and west coasts as opposed to rural middle America.

When the United States was founded it was only because the 13 colonies agreed to work together, but what good was it, if the big states had all the power because they had the most people? So, they created the electoral college. No, it isn't perfect. Nothing in life is. It's better than anything else that's been tried, as flawed as it is.

There is a new hue and cry for popular vote. Does anyone not see the problem with this? American Idol hasn't made it clear? Apparently not.

Over and over again, I hear the complaint that it isn't fair. Guess what... life isn't fair. What I've noticed is that generally when that cry goes up "it isn't fair" it is because the person screaming it wants "fair" according to their definition. I repeat: Life isn't fair.

Following is a link to an article opposed to the National Popular Vote, otherwise known as Electoral College Reform. I happen to agree with it. I worked hard to learn about the electoral college and how it works and why it really does work. In my studies, I discovered that America is NOT a democracy. Thank God, really. It is a Republic. An amazing Republic, if we can keep it.

New Zeal

In Arizona, the Bill is HB 2663

Should this pass:

What this means is that the President of the United States of America will be elected by a popular vote.

What this REALLY means: California and New York will be deciding who the President is from now on.

And how is that fair? ;-P

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.