The 7th: weigh in: 241.2 lb. Two SEAL puppy reps. Power outages does not make for restful sleep. I wish I could be like one of our Founding Fathers, Dr. Benjamin Rush. He felt like he was wasting time when he slept four hours every night. I am learning to be healthy. I don't need to hide. Physical therapy, without weights.
The 8th: weigh in: 241.6 lb. Woke at one in the morning, again. It's become a habit. A bad habit. Walked a mile with my sister.
The 9th: weigh in: 242.6 lb. Am I stressed? Definitely. 3k walk, plus lots more, with my sister. Race for the Cure is always an amazing experience. All those people hoping for a cure for breast cancer, most because they have either lost someone to breast cancer or know someone who has had it. I'm tired, in a good way.
The 10th: weigh in: 242.2 lb. Did anyone manage to see the license plate of that truck that hit me? That's what I feel like, today. Blessedly, I know it won't last. In a few days, I'll be feeling better again.
The 11th: weigh in 240.8 lb. One SEAL puppy rep, which was pretty good considering how I'm feeling. My sister and I had planned on going for a walk, but I definitely wasn't up to it. We did have a good chat, while she helped me pick up my work. Thanks!
The 12th: weigh in: 241.2 lb. One SEAL puppy rep. My shoulders are still a bit stiff from carrying my water in a backpack at Race for the Cure. I'm not eating healthy, today. I am not feeling safe, not even a little bit.
The 13th: weigh in: 239 lb. Waist circumference: 40". "I'm fighting to be healthy. I will not hide anymore, because hiding never kept me safe." One SEAL puppy rep. One-mile walk, with my sister. It's fun when she's on vacation. :-)
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Brain Dump
In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.
The Hobbit! Whoohoo!! Next December. iTunes has a lovely movie trailer that was posted at FaceBook.
- don't want to do something? I've mentioned, several times, that I have been struggling with the fact that my high school reun...
You never cease to amaze me with all of this. I wish I could have some of your motivation melt through the computer into me. I desperately need to start walking or riding my bike or something. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Abby. I won't pretend for a minute it's easy; it isn't. But I think I'll write a post for next week about motivation. It's tough, but doable.