The 15th: weigh in: 241 lb. One SEAL puppy rep. 2-1/2 mile walk, with my sister. One more SEAL puppy rep. I am learning to be healthy. I don't need to hide anymore. Hiding didn't keep me safe anyway, so the point is...
The 16th: weigh in: 240.2 lb. I don't need to hide, and I am learning to be healthy in every way.
The 17th: weigh in: 239.4 lb. One SEAL puppy rep. One-mile walk. I don't need to hide. I'm learning to be healthy. I'm learning to feel safe. One more SEAL puppy rep.
The 18th: weigh in 240.2 lb. One SEAL puppy rep.
The 19th: weigh in: 240.2 lb. One SEAL puppy rep. One-mile walk. One more SEAL puppy rep. Physical therapy, without weights. Unfortunately, I was eating to stay awake, today. Not good. It's going to show up on the scale tomorrow. Sigh.
The 20th: weigh in: 240.8 lb. Waist circumference: 40". One SEAL puppy rep. Deep breath. Don't lose hope. I'm learning to be healthy. I don't need to hide to keep myself safe, because hiding doesn't work, so I might as well save myself the extra work.
My new habits are trying to set the new ground rules. Fortunately, old dogs can learn new tricks. Found this on Facebook:

Love the picture. :)
ReplyDeleteIs that not one of the cutest things you've ever seen? :-)