Thursday, October 6, 2011

Week Fifteen of REAL...

The 30th: weigh in: 239.8 lb. I'm healthy. I don't need to hide. I'm safe.

New month of October:

The 1st: weigh in: 239 lb. I am healthy. I don't need to hide. Two-mile walk.

The 2nd: weigh in: 239.8 lb. I am healthy. I don't need to hide. I am safe. Dear God. Help me to be a blessing to others. Family dinner I managed to avoid some of the foods that turn my tummy inside out. Did not successfully avoid the yummy Boston Cream Cake for desert. One slice would have been okay. Then it was brought to the table, and I ignored self-control/self-discipline and took another little slice and another little slice and another little slice. I'm disappointed in myself. Starting over, tomorrow.

The 3rd: weigh in: 240.6 lb. One-mile walk. Two SEAL puppy reps. I've discovered that boys' pushups are too difficult for my back. Girls pushups challenge me but don't bother my back. Live and learn. Made bread.

The 4th: weigh in 241.2 lb. Made biscotti. Yahoo had an article on weight loss where I learned about things I have no control over and not much over the things I do. They recommend that if you're sleeping less than 7-8 hours a night, then doctors will recommend more sleep before anything else. I sleep 5 hours, if I'm lucky. Last night, power went out for a minute before 2 am, but it woke me for the next hour trying to calm down. I have an electronic device that beeps when the power goes out, and one that alerts me when the power comes back on. The beeping is worse than an alarm clock. I actually have an internal clock that works better than an alarm clock, which is why the middle of the night thing sent my adrenaline through the roof. Fear rushed through: Let my computer be okay. What do I have to do? (call electric company) I can't sleep if I'm too warm. No A/C. No fan. Fortunately, it was only off for about a minute. Long enough for the questions to zip through my brain but not long enough for me to get up and do anything. That being said, clocks had to be reset. That helped calm me a bit, though I needed another half hour after that before I was able to turn off my light and go to sleep again.

The 5th: weigh in: 240.6 lb. One-mile walk. Two SEAL puppy reps. I woke up a half hour before my alarm clock. Sigh. I baked my favorite cookies.

The 6th: weigh in: 240.2 lb. Waist circumference: 40". I've had a terrible time sleeping. And something I ate yesterday day did not agree with me. Hate when that happens. Leaves me feeling weak, and wishing I could spend the day in bed, except it wouldn't help. Hopefully, it's over now. I have a good day planned, and I'm going to enjoy it.


  1. I started yoga. My body is so out of shape that I know I can't even do 2 seal puppies. Not even one.
    I was given five exercises to do and could only do them twice. Back turned to fire. So now my instructor has me doing the breathing. We're starting way easy.

    I find I'm sleeping with the breathing. I used to be a five-hour sleeper, too. I do the breathing as I'm lying in bed. And letting my body relax and them contracting each muscle and letting them relax. Also, I've started drinking soothing herbal tea before bed.

    I'm doing much better. I now get six to seven hours sleep. I'm working on making it eight by Christmas.



Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.