Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thank Goodness It's Sunday #72

~My sister is a 10-year survivor.

~Participating in the Race for the Cure with my sister.

~Time alone.


~Cooler weather.

The high school reunion is almost over. I didn't attend. There were lots of reasons and rationalizations. Some truer than others. As I looked at the pictures that were posted, I felt the anxiety rise. I didn't recognize anyone at first. Then I saw a few faces I could put a name to, but I couldn't think of a single event in which we had interacted. Not one. Not that there hadn't been any, but I simply didn't remember much of anything but brief flashes, most of which didn't make much sense. It was time to be honest with myself.

I had been taught to be a chameleon, blend in, don't draw attention to yourself, be what "they" need you to be, no matter what. Now that I've given up the role, it's difficult to recall all the intricate and not-so intricate details required to play that role.

My indecision was based in the desire to please the friends who wanted to see me, and my own curiosity, versus the reality that I couldn't afford it, and I would find myself thrown into a stressful social situation I did not know how to navigate. I saw the venues in the pictures and realized that my slight hearing loss would have been enough to isolate me, because it would have been incredibly difficult to hear anyone. I would have been back in the lies, nodding and laughing at things I hadn't actually heard. And there I'd be back playing the role of chameleon. It isn't a role I choose to play anymore.


  1. I think part of freedom in Christ I have discovered is I no longer have to please people...something that is hard for me to remember. It sounds like not going was a better choice....seems that it would have just been something not profitable. Glad you are reflecting deeply over this situation!!

  2. Thanks, Alice! It certainly has brought about a lot of personal reflection about where I am now compared to where I was. For myself, I think it's important to stop, once in a while, and reflect. It helps me see more clearly where I want to go from here.

  3. Hi Judy,

    Thanks for stopping by. Like you, I don't have too many good memories of high school. I tried to fit in where I knew I shouldn't even try to fit in. I haven't been to any of my high school reunions. I never wanted to go back. However, I had a much better time in college. High school was just a difficult season. So don't feel too bad.



Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.