Friday, January 6, 2012

Contests at other blogs....

Many of the writing blogs I frequent sponsor contests. If you comment, you're entered to win a prize, usually a book, sometimes a gift card or bookmarks or character cards. Yes, it requires a bit of trust to turn over your address to someone you don't know. That being said, It can be fun.

SOS Aloha gives away books every day, announcing the winners at the end of the week.

Lucy Monroe has regular contests.

Happily Ever After Thoughts, like many of the blogs recently had a contest related to the new year.

Risky Regencies usually has a book to give away every Sunday.

Several authors I know have monthly contests or out of the blue free books, like Diane Gaston and Kris Tualla.

My sister reminded me of the Nikon Sniper drawing, for those who love photography.

Sharron mentioned a pitching opportunity (pitch your story) here.

If you have a favorite author, check their website, they may have something fun going on there. If you like autographed books or simply enjoy playing in contests, author and book review sites use contests to bring in more readers. If you want to try a new author but aren't sure if you want to pay for them, see if there's contest out there offering one of their books. No guarantees of winning, of course, but you might find a blog you enjoy following for fun.

Yes, I'm realizing that I will find myself doing this, somewhere down the road. So this blog was for me, to help accustom me to some of the changes coming in my life. What an adventure.


  1. Nikonsniper has a contest for a hard drive. Now that is my kind of contest. :)

  2. Ooooo You're right! I forgot about that one! I'll add it to the post.

  3. Susanna Leonard Hill has a 'pitch' event every Wednesday. It's not a contest, but you can send your pitch to her and she'll put it on her blog and folks will comment (nicely). Mine is going to show up in the middle of February sometime.

  4. Thanks, Sharron, I'll add it to the post.


Brain Dump

"News" outlets, also known as propaganda machines, release articles including pictures from movies or unrelated documentaries but ...