Tuesday, March 13, 2012

And one more brain dump....

...though probably not the last. I'm trying to spread these out, to keep from inundating anyone with what's driving me crazy in the world, today. If I post it here, I'm less likely to spout off someplace like FaceBook, where I don't give myself a week or two to think about it first.

Regarding the high gas prices:

Our refineries are out of date. The EPA has made it all but impossible to build more. No matter how much oil we have sitting in storage (and the storage tanks are full), it's useless if it can't be refined. Billions of dollars were dumped into "green" energy, which is not turning out as green as was hoped. Any business incapable of surviving without government help should not survive. Coal and oil are still our cheapest and cleanest sources of energy. I know, no one wants to hear it.

The money thrown away by the government (bankrupt solar panel companies are increasing) begs the question: How many refineries could have been built with those same government subsidies? But no, we have to buy into the "oil is bad" rhetoric.

Plastic anyone? Oh, wait... it's an oil product... So, say goodbye to bags, computers, cars, buildings... If there is anyone to blame, it's ourselves for not voting or not paying attention to the agendas of those we voted for, and even worse voting so many of them back in, over and over again. Because we didn't want to worry about it or take responsibility for it, we waved our hands and said, "Let the politicians take care of it." They did, and now we have to put up with the an administration and a congress that behaves, overall, like petty tyrants, wanting their own way.

We allowed the government to take more and more power and more and more of our money, without accountability. We did it. We did it by not doing our homework before voting, for voting strictly party lines instead of for the best person for the job. We voted for charisma instead of capabilities, over and over again. In case you're wondering, I'm reprimanding myself. I did this. I asked other people who they thought was best, because I was too lazy to do my own homework.

I didn't know the United States of America wasn't a democracy but a republic until a few years ago. My fault. No one else's. I didn't accept personal responsibility. Now, I am. I do my homework. I look up the candidates. I decide, and then I vote, and pray we can save us from ourselves.

Finally, I remind myself God is in control. His plans cannot be frustrated, but we can certainly mess things up for ourselves. He will let us shoot ourselves in the foot, if we demand to have our own way. He will cajole, inspire, send help, call to us, but He will not deprive us of our free will. Dear God, I'm really trying to align my will with Yours. Your way isn't the easy way, but it is the sure way. Have mercy on me, a fool.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.