Friday, March 16, 2012

More on clutter....

w posted this link under the comments section regarding my frustration with Google and FaceBook.

I found it fascinating. Although I didn't understand all of it, because I'm not into computereze, except what I need to get by, but most of it was an interesting exploration of possibilities.

It was brought up how the Google search engine has become not only cluttered but too encumbered by a desire to please the current user.

I quit "googling" anything a few years ago because I didn't like the extra "help," and you're right about it not having the clean, sparse feel anymore. I actually found it was hampering my research, giving me what it "thought" I wanted. A bit narcissistic, now I think about it. I mean, Google treats me as if I'm narcissistic. Everything must be related to me.

I started using Yahoo search exclusively, and then it started being "helpful," too, though not quite as bad. A friend introduced me to On the rare occasion I want "help," I'll use Yahoo. Otherwise, I use Good Search, which is actually powered by Yahoo, but it doesn't "help" me.

Confession, I like the new Google look if I'm using a theme tailored for it. However, I'm about to lose all those cute themes I've been switching around. I suppose the tailored themes will increase with use, but will my favorites be adapted? I know the most popular ones will be, but many of my favorites are ones I had to hunt down.

I realize change is inevitable, but it isn't always for the better, and it's ridiculous to change for the sake of changing.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.