Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Heroes... Abigail Adams...

What a remarkable woman. She was educated, ie, read everything she could find. Thanks to her father, she had access to all his books. She fought against slavery and for women's rights. She was John Adam's wife. Yes, she was the second First Lady of the United States of America.

I first became aware of her thanks to the movie 1776. Awesome musical. It actually did pretty well sticking close to the historical facts. I was loved the interaction between Abigail and John. My favorite line in the movie was when John was berating himself, pointing out all his flaws, and Abigail asks, "Do you think so little of me that you believe I could love the man you just described?" Wow.

Then I read Those Who Love by Irving Stone, which is a fictionalized historical account of John and Abigail Adams' lives. And John and Abigail Adams became my favorite historical couple.

She also became one of my heroes. I wanted to be someone who never backed down from a challenge. Even if it failed, she didn't let it beat her. She kept moving forward. I know I'm where I am, today, in part because I tried to be more like her. I am a better person because of what I chose to learn from her.


  1. This makes me want to go watch 1776, which I haven't seen for way too long. I've had it on my wish list at Amazon for a long time, and it recently came down in price so far I couldn't wait another minute, so I snapped it up. \o/ I still have very fond memories of seeing the musical live at the Melody Top Theater in Milwaukee in the summer of 1976 -- Ross Martin as John Addams, yay!

    Abigail was definitely a heroine to be emulated.

    1. I'm so glad you finally own it! Ross Martin would be a great John Adams!

    2. He was, indeed! I got his autograph afterwards, but I'm not sure now where I put it. :-( I mean to look for it while I'm up in Wisconsin on my upcoming two-week trip.

    3. Oh! I hope you find it! What a treasure of the heart!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.