What Navy SEALs are required to do to make it into BUD/S:
500 yard swim using breast and/or sidestroke 12.5 minutes 10 minute rest
Perform a minimum of 42 push-ups 2 minutes 2 minute rest
Perform a minimum of 50 sit-ups 2 minutes 2 minute rest
Perform a minimum of 6 pull-ups No time limit 10 minute rest
Run 1.5 miles wearing boots and long pants 11.5 minutes
Here's the link if you're interested in the whole thing: http://navyseal.s5.com/requirements.html
RIght up front: Never in a million years could I do what is required. However, I needed to start somewhere. Considering how fit the SEALs are, I figured it was a good place to start. So my SEAL puppy reps consist of girls' pushups, crunches, and flutter kicks, a SEAL training basic. I started with doing one of each. This week, I try to increase by 10%. I've worked up to 18.
The 23rd: weigh in: 232.8 lb. Yesterday ended up being a feast day. It was yummy. Thanks, Ruth! I was stuffed by the end of the day, and I learned some things about my eating habits, my eating preferences, and what I will be planning for myself starting, today. I'm liking the habit of eating every three hours, eating a little bit, and scheduling what i'll be eating throughout the day. So, along that line, Carnation Instant Breakfast, hamburger, yogurt and blueberries, crackers, hot chocolate. SEAL puppy rep. Two-mile walk. SEAL puppy rep.
The 24th: weigh in: 231 lb. One-mile walk and physical therapy using 1-lb weights. Carnation Instant Breakfast, homemade pizza, yogurt and blueberries, toast, hot chocolate.
The 25th: weigh in: 232 lb. Crackers, pizza, cookies, yogurt and blueberries (yes, I'm really liking it), sandwich, chips, Dove ice cream bar. It was family dinner, and I actually did pretty well. I didn't go back for seconds. I didn't nibble. I served myself, and ate only what was on my plate. That is huge for me. I ate about half of what I usually do on these occasions. It's also the 25th, which requires a nod to Frodo for destroying the Ring, the bravest hobbit in the Shire.
The 26th: weigh in: 231 lb. SEAL puppy rep. Two-mile walk. SEAL puppy rep. Carnation Instant Breakfast and a croissant, hamburger, cookies, yogurt and blueberries, toast, hot chocolate.
The 27th: weigh in 230.2 lb. One-mile walk. Physical therapy, with 1-lb weights. Carnation Instant Breakfast, pbnj sandwich, apple and cheese, cookies, and dinner at Monti's with Desert Rose, which means chicken noodle soup, salad, and rosemary bread. Yummy.
The 28th: weigh in: 230.2 lb. SEAL puppy rep. Two-mile walk. SEAL puppy rep. Grilled cheese sandwich, pasta and chicken, apple, cookies, hot chocolate.
The 29th: weigh in: 230.2 lb. Waist circumference: 39". One-mile walk. Physical therapy, with 1-lb weights. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, croissant from P.Croissant (yummy!), spaghetti and meatballs, apple, yogurt with blueberries, hot chocolate. I'm not too worried about the same weight for three days in a row, better than going up, and less than when I started this week. The fit of my clothes has definitely changed, for the better. Whoohoo!!
Inspiration, at least to me:

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