Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Heroes... SEAL Aaron Vaughn...

Special Operations Chief (SEAL) Aaron Carson Vaughn was one of those lost, last August, when the helicopters were shot down.

I suppose what brought this home to me, this week, was the release of the movie Act of Valor. Marcus Luttrell gave his stamp of approval on the movie. That's enough for me.

I don't remember who directed me to this site, but I'm grateful. I know there are those who read this who will be uncomfortable there, but being comfortable is highly overrated.

I cannot imagine how these parents must feel, having lost a son, let alone all the parents and sweethearts who have lost loved ones. I pray for them for strength and courage. I don't know if comfort is possible, and sometimes it isn't wanted.

One summer, long ago, vacation was almost over, which included horseback riding for me. My sister pulled the car over and offered a prayer of comfort for me. I remember vividly that peace stealing over me, and the anger that flashed within me. I didn't want to be comforted. I wanted to own my sorrow. Things were changing, and I knew it down to my soul nothing would be the same. I wanted time to processes it, to grieve. My sister was being kind. I felt guilty for not wanting what she offered. Now, I know we would both handle it differently.

When I heard the news of this tragedy, I wondered at it. I pray these families are able to find answers, though I fear it may not happen in this life. In their Quest, I pray they do not grow bitter, but instead grow stronger in their pursuit of the truth. I pray they are able to help others, and as they are uncomfortable, I pray they make others uncomfortable.

An odd thing to pray for, I know, but it is only when we are uncomfortable that we decide to make changes.

Every day, I pray for our military. Our warriors.


  1. I always admired your courage. For you, peace is in the embracing your emotions. Hugs.

    1. Thanks for that, and yes, peace comes in embracing all of me, including the emotions.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.