Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Blessing Basket...

Stephanie Burkhart's A Polish Heart is a sweet romance was interesting, and held together from beginning to end. Darrin and Sofia are perfect for each other. I finished feeling satisfied and uplifted. I also decided I wanted to make my own Blessing Basket for Easter, this year.

I'm not Catholic or Slovak, but I enjoyed the Easter Basket as a child, and have missed it as an adult. It was something special to physically mark the significance of the day. I also wanted to be able to create something to help me create a deeper intentional celebration of the Fulfilling of Jesus Christ's mission on earth.

Last Monday, I decided I'd do my homework, to learn what I needed to start a new tradition. "Ask and ye shall receive." Tiffany Aller, Yahoo! Contributor Network, wrote and posted an article titled The Blessing of the Baskets: A Catholic (Slovak) Easter Tradition. I checked the links included, and they don't work, just so you know.


Then I found another link:


For myself, so far, I've gathered a little wooly lamb (stuffed animal), a vanilla candle, a Dove Fairy Bunny, an Easter Egg plate (since I'm allergic to eggs), bacon, basket with ribbons and bows, salt, and butter. I still need to add bread and cheese, and I'm thinking maybe a sparkling "wine" and maybe chocolate eggs. Chocolate is always good. :-)

I finished Second Chance Match by Arlene James, a Chatam House series book, and loved it! I love the whole series. Arlene James is on my must read list.


  1. Chocolate is always good. What a delightful thing to do.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.