Friday, March 9, 2012

What doesn't end up on FaceBook...

Warning: Rant and possible triggering material. This post isn't intended to offend, but I needed to work out my growing restlessness.

If you wonder why I haven't commented on the latest viral video, it's because I looked the charity up, and there are other charities that are more responsible with their donations and their donors. I also wonder, "Where have you people been?" Do you live under rocks? This is not new. The movie was made in 2005, that's 7 years ago. Now they revamp it, making it shorter, and suddenly everyone is jumping in. Answer me this: What is their plan for changing things? Or are they simply collecting money? What? They're going to have the governments of the world interfere? Oh, and that works soooo well. Yes, that was snarky.

Maybe you haven't heard of the rape trees along the American border, either, where human traffickers separate the women and the girls, GIRLS, from the rest of the group and systematically rape them? Or is this too close to home for a closer look? Maybe it's easier to be sympathetic with the children in a country half a world away, instead of a few states away. Or the children used as drug mules?

What about the girls in Thailand who are sold into prostitution for all the visiting foreigners, by their families?

What about the boys and girls caught in the sex slave trade in India?

Is the inhumanity horrific? Absolutely. No doubt. Full stop.

Why did this recent video hype ruffle my feathers? Because there is nothing within my realm of power that I can do. I resent having my emotions played on for sympathy for a cause I can't help, especially when they ask for money, with only vague promises of helping. More, I resent feeling manipulated for a cause I don't know enough about, and there isn't a lot of information out there to enlighten me. I am expected to trust filmmakers, who made a documentary to expose a problem, but admit to fudging here and there for the sake of simplicity.

I know. I know. I can donate money. Have I mentioned lately I'm poor as a church mouse? Oh, yes, I go to Starbucks a few times a month. Could I spend the money better elsewhere? Yes. Do I need that time more? Yes. It isn't only about the hot chocolate. To be honest, mine is better. What it's really about: I force myself to dress nicely and wear makeup, trying different styles, not so much to see how others react to me, but to see how I react and feel. Being one of those who hates going out in public, interacting with strangers, and leaving home, this is something I'm doing to teach myself to be out and about. It's cheaper than going to a restaurant, which is what I did when I made more money.

Homework: The charity currently being touted only received 3 of 4 stars on the charity rating site I checked, which is better than only one or two stars. However, there were three other similar charities that received 4 of 4 stars. I participate regularly, to one degree or another, in two different charities. I investigated them both. There are a half dozen other charities I've investigated and found worth supporting, and do whenever I can.

So if I don't jump on board, don't think I'm not sympathetic. I lived down the street from a pedophile, who finally went to jail, with people still claiming he was framed. He died there, with people still claiming he was framed. He wasn't. In fact, he got off easy. He was a monster.

If you can do something, do it.

Here's the truth: Everyone is crying over these poor children, and I'm not denying it's sad, but they look away when the child next door passes by with bruises on their legs and terror in their eyes. They jump on their hobby horse to save the children in another country, and say not a word about the runaway teens being pimped in the less savory part of town. They're indignant that a monster goes unpunished, while monsters are regularly freed from prison after serving only part of their sentence, if they serve any time at all. They demand everyone stand for the children a half a world away, but they don't stand for the children in their own city.

Wow. I hadn't realized what was at the center of my growing anger. Now, I know. I've been wondering if I'm doing enough. I have my causes, and I do my best to support them, even if it's only in prayer.

Research what captures your heart. Find out the best way for you to make a difference. And do it.


  1. Thank you for the heads up on this one. Thank you for standing up for me and thousands of others just like me.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.