Monday, March 12, 2012

Carpe diem... LAS...

NASCAR was in Las Vegas this weekend, and Carl came in 5th. Top 5 is great! Go Carl! I'm participating in NASCAR Fantasy this time, and I'm not sure I like it. I'm only allowed to choose my favorite driver nine times. I don't think I'll do it next year. I've been wanting to participate, and now I have and learned it isn't as much fun as I'd hoped. Live and learn.

Laundry will need to be done.

Though Arizona doesn't go on Daylight Savings Time, it does change scheduling all the way around. We are on Mountain Time, but it equals Pacific Daylight Savings Time, so I have to shift everything having to do with my friends in other time zones. It's something I became skilled at when I worked for the airlines, so it isn't really a big deal, though I do forget from time to time.

Exercise and eating healthy are on the list of things to do.

Then there is the work what needs doing. I'm clearer on it, though a bit unsettled by it. It isn't quite what I expected, but I'll settle in.

There is so much to do. One thing at a time.

Am I following God's plan for me? Choosing His way? Or trying to make my own way? Questions I must stop and ask myself from time to time. I'm no longer easily led astray, but when it's done a little at a time, it's hardly noticeable. So, it's time to do a little self-evaluation. Or perhaps what I'm seeking is simply a little peace of mind and heart.


  1. Daylight Savings Time, ugh. Losing an hour this past weekend really hit us hard this time. We were groggy all day, even though we tried to compensate by getting to bed early! We weren't alone; from what I hear, hardly anyone made it to the early service at church on Sunday! :-D

    1. Though I live in Arizona, and don't actually have to change my clock, I still have to change my scheduling because so many things I'm involved in are tied to the schedule in the rest of the country. So, I'm up an hour earlier. However, I would have had to do that anyway, because the heat is coming, and walking earlier is cooler. Hope you catch up on sleep, Margaret! :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.