Monday, January 28, 2013

Carpe diem... maybe not...

I slept through my alarm. Shoot. Of course, I'm not surprised. I was too warm to sleep, so it was about 3AM when I finally drifted off.

Good day to ask:

How committed am I to my exercise routine?

I'm surprised to learn I'm pretty committed to my new routine. As soon as I post, I'm diving in.

How committed am I to my writing?

Back to it, today.

We'll see how the day goes.


  1. I wondered where you were when I didn't see your Monday update this morning! Glad to hear it was nothing more than oversleeping, though not being able to drift off until 3 am is not so good.

    Hope your day goes well! Mine has already taken an unexpected turn, but I think I can manage it without too many hysterics. ;-)

    1. Always good to know folks are keeping an eye open for me. :-)

      May God bless your day with unexpected peace. ;-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.