Friday, January 25, 2013

Mulling over...

I'm thinking about trying a 3-day diet. As I told a friend of mine, yesterday, and another the other day, my plan at this point is to talk about it with friends to whom I feel a bit accountable. They will ask me about it later. They won't badger me, but it will keep me thinking about it.

As a general rule: I DO NOT DIET. I have huge food issues. If I started writing about them now, I'd be writing into next week. I'll spare everyone the trauma. There is trauma involved on my part. Anger, poisoning, manipulation, fear, yeah... it's pretty ugly.

This military diet I found on Pinterest is only for three days. I think I can do three days.

I'm still thinking about it.

Yes, this is one more place I'm talking about it.

I think I'll wait until after the Super Bowl. I already have snacks, not a lot, but I'm not going to cheat if I decide to do this diet. What would be the point?

So... maybe, in a week and a half... in the mean time, I'll gather the food I need, and continue to...


I'm psyching myself up.

Hope it works.


  1. For me the reason that diets don't work is because of the sense of "imprisonment" they give me. I once tried a detox diet that started with fruit on the first day and by dinner time I was so hungry I made myself a big plate of pasta ;) Then I learned that if we eat generally healthy stuff we don't need to detox, the liver already does it for us.
    How about trying the diet for one day in the week, then do two days the following week and attempting the three days the week after, would that make it easier to have a go?

    1. Oh, wow... that has possibilities. Preparation... I like that. I let you know how it goes.

    2. Sometimes breaking things down makes it easier to have a go. It's not so overwhelming then... Do keep me posted :)

    3. I'm already exploring what I can do with the food: 1/2 banana. Who eats half a banana? Actually, I know, but I hate leaving half a banana. However, I can cut them in half and freeze them and then blend them and viola banana ice cream with nothing but banana. The day I have egg and toast, I can use a cookie cutter to cut out the middle of the bread and fry the egg in the middle. It sounds fun anyway. Anything to make this a positive experience. :-)

  2. What kinds of things does this diet limit? I find it difficult to do most diets like this because I really can't reduce my carbs too much due to getting low blood sugar -- and unfortunately most diets start by limiting carbs. However, I'm intrigued, because 3 days does not sound too bad.

    1. It's called the Military Diet or 3-day diet. Lots of links, and all come up with slightly different things. LOL! The one I'm trying is the one from blessedmommy on Hub Pages. She's made some changes from the original military diet. She had a problem with low blood sugar and is experimenting. I understand that.

      I'm going to do a complete rundown on the diet on Tues. Thanks for making me do my homework. I learned a lot. :-) Yes, I'm re-thinking.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.