Sunday, January 13, 2013

Thank Goodness It's Sunday... #137...

~ Chris Tomlin's Amazing Grace:

~ The Hobbit was stunning. Sister and I went to IMAX, and the 3-D really popped. Great storytelling, and Howard Shore's music still captures me.

~ I'm really enjoying unearthing the extra space in my room. Usually letting go of things is really difficult. I'm not saying it's easy, this time, but it's easier than it's ever been before.

~ I've found a couple of new authors to add to my Must-Read list.

~ I'm still thoroughly enjoying the CDs given to me for my birthday and Christmas. Thank you!


  1. It's a cloudy day. I was looking forward to a bit of sun and warmer air, but I slept too long (Thank God for a full night's sleep) and missed it. Glad I didn't miss the Hobbit. Saw it twice, once high speed and once 2D. Loved them both. Looking forward to another fun year of Sunday's at Ladyhawkhollow.

    1. I also overslept this morning, but obviously needed it. Thanks, Sharron!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.