Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The diet - non diet whatever...

This is what I was looking at:

Then I did my homework and learned a lot.

In the link above, she dictates not to substitute anything, except she substituted a few things.
Here's a link to the diet:

Now, I have to admit, there's more of her diet I'm able to eat than the actual diet.

Here's more information on it:



Then I hunted down the real military diet, and it's different!

The actual military diet shared above is about exercise and nutrition. I also can't eat much of it.

I'm back at the beginning but a lot wiser.

The 3-day diet is based on 1,000 calories a day.

Here's my new train of thought: Once in a while, I simply don't feel like eating, but I don't make particularly healthy choices. On those days, knowing I have something pre-planned will help me make better choices. In fact, if I could plan my diet plan around this general idea, it would be helpful.

Yes, the "experts" say these types of diets won't work, declaring it ridiculous and unsound. They also have waffled between eggs being the worst food on the planet to being the best. No, I don't put much stock in the opinion of the experts. If they are so smart, then why are Americans becoming fatter? They also advise whole grain, which is great for most people. It kills me. Really.

So it's back to common sense, keeping my special diet needs in mind, but using a few things I learned in my reading.

Maybe what I'll do is try blogging my food exploration. Oh, I would really love that. Really. I love food, and to be able to just write about making food work for me... We'll see. Maybe start with one day... :-)


  1. Hi Judy,
    I agree with you that we need to listen to what our bodies can tolerate, and if it's hungry, etc. I have been doing a vegan/ green juice and some cooked foods diet, and it works for me. I need to watch the calories or I can gain weight on what some people would lose weight on. We all are different, and that is why eating is such a personal experience. God's blessings on your eating program...but due share because it might help others to get an idea for their own eating. :) ♥

    1. I have a couple of friends who have done very well on a vegan diet. I tried it and didn't do well at all. It truly is amazing how very different we all are.

      The 3-day diet is based on 1,000 calories a day. I do notice a difference if I remain aware of my caloric intake.

      This is shifting from something I'm dreading to something fascinating.

  2. You can't trust the experts. The recent change of opinion on eggs being bad for you is just one example. My mother tells me that in the seventies the "experts" were saying that olive oil was bad for you, that you should have sunflower oil instead, who would dare say this now? The thing with the "experts" is that you don not know what interests are behind them. Look at the way probiotic drinks are promoted, but doesn't common sense tell us that if they left milk alone all the beneficial bacteria would still be in the milk? But no, they want us to fork out more $$$ for a product that is basically sugar and water. Common sense is most definitely the way to go.
    Look forward to read about how you get on with this.

    1. I'd forgotten about the olive oil debate. You are exactly right about investigating who's behind the experts. I'm actually looking into a local dairy that sells raw milk. I've tested lactose intolerant. Years ago, I visited an aunt and uncle with their own dairy cow. I drank the milk and had absolutely no problem.

    2. How lovely to be able to get raw milk, over here I haven't managed to find a supplier who'd sell small quantities. The best I've been able to find is Jersey milk which, although pasteurised, at least is not homogenised which apparently is even worse as far as digestion is concerned. Keep us posted :)

    3. I haven't actually done it, yet. I'm still trying to talk myself into it. It's twice the cost of milk in the store, and not a short drive. Hmmm... maybe I could make this something I do by the end of February...

  3. I checked out the diet when you wrote about it last week. I noticed the "no substitutes" thing, but of course I cannot eat grapefruit (as much as I love them) because of medication I take. So that throws things off right away. They give a substitution that will create a similar response in the body that the grapefruit gives, but why would I want to drink baking soda in water for breakfast? ;-) I also realized that I'd probably be dying from low blood sugar if I followed that diet, even though it includes some carbs.

    I'm thinking of following Weight Watchers again, using my old materials and just keeping track of what I eat. In the long run, common sense and a knowledge of what works or doesn't work for you is the best.

    1. I thought the same thing about the baking soda! LOL! Besides, I'm using it with honey in place of body wash. I've added olive oil to my hand soap. My skin isn't nearly as dry. I still need lotion but not as much.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.