Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thank Goodness It's Sunday #45 and Day 3

~PBS is broadcasting the 25th Anniversary of Les Miz, which I saw 24 years ago, in London, with most of the original cast. It was an amazing experience. I still find tears gathering in my eyes. Amazing show.

~Ren Faire fun with friends. There's value in good traditions.

~People who do their jobs to the best of their abilities.

~A good internet connection! What an incredible blessing to be connected to all my dear friends, far and wide.

~Prayer. Judy's comment, from two days ago, struck a chord with me, and I took it to heart. I talked with God while I made pancakes and rice. I'm finding that the time spent in prayer on my knees focuses on others. But my chats with God out loud focus on things concerning me. I didn't expect that. Perhaps I need to clarify. I don't pray about me very often. I figured if I didn't ask then I didn't have to hear those "wait" answers that drive me crazy. I've had lots of "wait" answers. So I stopped asking. I wasn't sure what to say, so I turned all my focus on others. I allowed myself prayers of gratitude, and occasional prayers for aid when it was needed immediately. I figured that He would either give aid or He wouldn't, but there was no time for "wait." Clever; I know. *wink* Now, I'm realizing that "wait" is an acceptable answer and doesn't mean I can't ask related questions. More importantly, sharing my concerns does not mean I'm looking for an answer. An important distinction to recognize.


  1. Yay for new revelations on prayer! Talking with God about everything and not holding back is what He desires most. Prayer isn't really about asking for things and getting answers (whether they be yes, no or wait) -- it's about having a relationship with a personal God who listens to everything (especially when it's about you!) and nods His head in understanding. When you are willing to talk to Him about anything, He also hears the things you don't even realize you are saying, and proceeds to act upon them. God doesn't really need us to tell Him things, and He can act without our prayers -- but He relishes that personal interaction with us, His children! :-)

  2. Thanks (((Margaret))) That explains so clearly what I've struggled to grasp the whole of my life. Part of the trouble with being an abuse survivor is that it's difficult to believe anyone truly cares because the way the abusers maintains a hold is to teach you that no one cares, except them, so that you are dependent on them. God has been patiently teaching me otherwise, with amazing friends. He is working that everlasting change in my life, and I'm finally recognizing it and acknowledging it, and I thank God for it.


Brain Dump

What kind of insanity demands buying an electric car and not using A/C during summer to ease the burden on the electric grid? Please, trying...