Tuesday, March 1, 2011

From The Blog at The Blaze...

Rabbi Daniel Lapin shares his article "The Bible Enshrines the Title Deeds of Western Civilization." He states clearly many things I knew but hadn't pieced together before, at least not this clearly.

David Barton shares "Preparing for the Unknown." A timely article for me since my main client has laid me off, thanks to the new medical regulations. Bitter, much? I'm trying not to be, but I am scared. I feel very blessed indeed that last year I did lay in store a variety of things. I'm going to have to dip into savings for a few things but not much. Sometimes, God puts us on a new path whether we want it or not. So, I'm endeavoring to put my trust in God... actually, I truly do trust God, with my life. The question is what will He require of me?

The Blaze


  1. David Barton says good things! I like that he reminds us we are not to live in fear, even though things are uncertain, as well as reminding us at the end that our endurance will produce hope.

    It's encouraging to discover that something you did without perhaps any special purpose behind it in fact prepared you for something that you weren't expecting! I'm praying your store will remain supportive throughout your time of need, just like it was for the widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:7-16).

  2. Thank you, Margaret, for being a light on the hill.


Brain Dump

"News" outlets, also known as propaganda machines, release articles including pictures from movies or unrelated documentaries but ...