Monday, April 4, 2011

Carpe diem... doing better...

I still have a stuffy head. I still have a headache, though now I'm not sure if it's a cold or allergies, because now allergy medicine is helping. I was able to accomplish everything on my list. There wasn't much, but that was the idea with as lousy as I feel. I'm still scatterbrained. You know it's a problem when almost every word has a typo, a least for me. My old work taught me to be a really good typist.

I did a bit of re-reading the ends of favorites, like TTQ's Maple Street and Meyer's Host. I told God I needed a breadcrumb, and He sent it. Actually, He sent several. A quick reminder: Breadcrumbs are those things that lead you in a particular direction, even when you don't know where you going. They're hints, and not always recognizable right away. I always used to feel bad about asking because it felt like asking for a sign, but I'm not asking for a sign to tell me which way to go. I know which way I'm going. I'm asking for encouragement on the road, a reminder that I'm not traveling on my own, that I'm not completely crazy. I think that's always been a problem I've had in the past. I didn't notice the little things very well. I was always looking for big, neon signs, because frankly, that's all I recognized with any certainty. Good to know I've done some changing for the better.


  1. Gideon asked for a fleece to have dew. Got a CD you might like. :)

  2. Looking forward to hearing it.


Brain Dump

"News" outlets, also known as propaganda machines, release articles including pictures from movies or unrelated documentaries but ...