Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day of mourning...

Today is a day of mourning in Israel, so I pray with them.

I am also still in mourning for the troops lost this past weekend, as they are brought home to rest, and I pray for their loved ones.

As dear friends struggle with worries about work, injuries, illness, and other concerns, I pray they find work, healing, strength, and courage.

God is a God of miracles. There are those who wonder where God is in all this turmoil. I look about me and ask, "Where isn't He? As He sends peace to a troubled soul, comfort to the sorrowful, courage to the fighter, strength to those who must endure, and love in every shape and from, filling a heart in any way we will allow Him." He created individuals, and it is as individuals we are blessed. Even when I'm in a group setting, the effect is on me; others may share in it, but it is still individual. Jesus touched one life at a time. God is God, the same, always and forever. And what a precious blessing to be allowed to share in His plan to help others. I've been blessed by a myriad of angels on earth, angels to me anyway, for they have touched my heart for good.

"To love another person is to see the face of God." ~ Les Mis.


  1. Amen. Thanks for a beautiful reminder.

  2. Yes...God is unwavering. It's us that moves. Glad you are keeping close to him!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.