Monday, August 1, 2011

Carpe diem... yes... in my eyes...

I was up with the alarm. I exercised. On the first of each month, Harlequin has their newest books available. You can purchase them from their website, a month in advance. They also tell you what's coming, up to two months in advance. I keep a list. I started this when I discovered I purchased the same book three times. It also helps me avoid buying from my No-list, and ensures I don't miss my Yes-list Harlequin authors. I worked on tightening up a few things, and making sure I'm caught up. I've been reading a book for Kris Tualla. She has some marvelous turns of phrase, and I'm thoroughly enjoying the story. I've also started a month-long online class, with Laurie Schnebly Campbell. I've been privileged to know both these remarkable women. And my sister dropped by, so we had a chance to do a little chatting, after she was away on vacation. Reading over this, clearly my brain is a bit fried. That's not necessarily a bad thing. I accomplished quite a bit, so I'll take that and be grateful.


  1. Thanks for the note about Laurie. I went to her site and read the workshop on rejection (grief). Really good. Hit home in some many ways.

    BTW - it sounds like you got a truckload accomplished. Congrats!

  2. Oh, I'm so glad you found that helpful! Periodically, she's a speaker at the Desert Rose meetings, and I always look forward to those.

    Thanks. :-)

  3. (cheering)
    Yay for your exercising! Thanks so much for sharing your journey to greater health. I'm starting. Again. But I am optimistic. Or at least going to work hard at it ... ;)

    (more cheering)
    Yay for signing up for a writing course! May it be a wonderful experience.


  4. Thanks, Kiki! Me exercising definitely deserves some cheering, especially since I'm having fun with it. Being optimistic is an important place to start! Go you!

    Laurie is a wonderful woman, and I'm already learning some things.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.