Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bits and bobs...

Fear is an opportunity to exercise faith. Time to do some exercise, and it's exercise EVERYONE can do.

I need to remember that after a bad night, it takes two days before I stop feeling like I have the attention span of a flea.

Again reminding myself, when I decide to read a Tara Taylor Quinn book I need to accept that not much else will be accomplished. I also need to allow myself that time. TTQ's writing always finds me evaluating where I am in my healing process.

Today was a pretty good day. Yesterday wouldn't have been nearly as bad if I'd listened to what my heart was telling me. This morning, I woke up and realized I needed to change my perspective on several things and did.

Everything that needed to be done, today, was done, and a few other things, too.


  1. Good thought! I'll have to remember it. I must have huge muscles at the moment. Been exercising a lot. LOL

    I borrowed two books from the library by the favorite author only to discover, once I began to read them, that I'd already read them. Drat.

    Will try again.

  2. :-)

    I knew there was a problem when I discovered I had three copies of the same book. Now, I keep a list. No more copies, unless I'm giving the newest one away.

  3. Hi Judy (my namesake),

    You are so right that fear is an opportunity to exercise faith. Time and again I've let fear rule my decisions but I'm no longer going to let fear rule me. I'm going to trust God.



Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.