Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My latest quote so fit today...

There's a time for joking around and a time to be serious; this is not one of them. --Anonymous

My niece has been struggling with procrastination. That was me, today, and yet not. Work is not done. Fortunately, there's tomorrow. I did not attend my monthly meeting. Fortunately, there's next month. My answer to her was really for me. This was her quote, today: "It's so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to." ~ Annie Gottlier

And this was my answer: It isn't always easy when you want to, either. Some things simply take a lot of work. The question is how badly do you want it? Do you want it badly enough to do the work, the hard stuff, the yucky stuff, the painful stuff? Sometimes, procrastination is because it really isn't the best choice for us. Sometimes, procrastination is because it isn't quite time yet, another puzzle piece needs to be added. The problem is when procrastination is an excuse to not do what needs to be done right now. Priorities is learning to recognize what needs to be done right now and what can wait until later or doesn't need to be done, ever.

What I did today: I read Tara Taylor Quinn's latest book: Full Contact. I know, as soon as I see the book available for pre-order, that when I pick it up, the day will be gone. Her stories touch me in ways that stop me in my tracks. I laugh and cry and think and wonder. This book had a plot twist that was absolutely perfect for this book and these characters. The central message of this book, for me, is that there are two types of running away: The type where you run away from life by hiding away, and the type were you actually don't stay in one place. I easily recognized the latter. I also remember where I was and what I was doing when I decided it was time to stop running away. At the time, I had no idea what I was letting myself in for. As I read her book, I realized I also do the former. I'm a bit sociophobic, not without reason. I've worked hard to improve, but reading the book I realized I still have a long way to go. It was a day spent unexpectedly and well spent. All the other stuff will still be there, waiting, tomorrow. Today is for absorbing and processing and seeing how this shifts my life because TTQ's books always do.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.