Sunday, July 24, 2011

Thank Goodness It's Sunday #62

~NASCAR Carl won the Nationwide race. Whoohoo!! Unfortunately, it's only available if you can afford to pay for it, which I can't. Life is what it is. Thank goodness for highlights, which I will be able to see online. Yay!!

~Fresh, homemade, baked bread. Nothing smells like it, and nothing tastes like it. A bit of heaven.

~Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2. Sadly, the saga has come to an end. They did themselves proud. Saw with Dad and Sister at IMAX in 3-D. Brilliant!!

~Time spent with dear friends, with whom I'm safe to be myself, warts 'n all.

~Time spent with family members, connecting and sharing laughter.


  1. wonderful thing! (Janet since it won't let me post otherwise)

  2. Don't you hate it when blogger gets persnickety? :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.