Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thank Goodness It's Sunday #61

~Blessed, restorative sleep.

~The pleasure of making a meal, from scratch.

~Books that inspire and uplift.

~The ability to chat with friends far away through FB, emails, and cellphones.

~Opportunities, to start anew, to explore, to enjoy.

NASCAR update: Carl didn't finish the Nationwide race due to engine troubles. In the SPRINT Cup, I can live with Ryan Newman winning, since he drives the Army car. Carl came in 13th. And as a side note, J.J. Yeley came in 23rd. Whoohoo!! Often J.J. doesn't have the opportunity to finish because of budget problems, so it was fun to see him finish and do so well. Carl is #1 overall in the Chase. WHOOHOO!!! Unfortunately, ESPN now has control of the rest of the races, so only three will be on television. For the rest, I'll join Yahoo's leader board and chat. It's kind of fun.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.