Monday, July 25, 2011

Carpe diem... not so much...

We had storms, all last night, which meant I didn't sleep well. I'd wake up every one or two hours, then have trouble going back to sleep. We need the rain, so I'm not asking it to go away. It's actually an old habit. My dog didn't like storms, so she'd wake me whenever there was a storm, every one to two hours. She's been gone almost five years, but the habit seems to be here to stay. What I did manage to accomplish: Worked marginally on some projects. Added another author to my no list. Read more of The Warrior Elite. I had stopped, for a time, after chapter one, as I tried to implement my SEAL puppy routine. Chapter two is about First Phase, which means it is only becoming more physical. I'm pleased that my SEAL puppy routine is becoming easier, with practice, but I will never, as in not in a million years, ever be able to accomplish even the basic requirements to pass the original screening, let alone enter First Phase. That being said, I am having fun with my itty-bitty SEAL reps.


  1. I hope you get better sleep tonight! Here in southern CA it is hot and dry...:>(

  2. Thanks, Alice. I'd rather be in CA. :-)

  3. Judy
    Thank you for your prayers and your beautiful heart for the Lord. I am truly a blessed gal to know you (in blog world!!).

  4. You're most welcome, Alice. And thanks for the compliment. :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.