Monday, July 11, 2011

Carpe diem... yes and no...

I planned to wake up early and take myself for a walk. Surprise! Rain, lightening, and thunder. There went that idea. However, the rain is much appreciated, so I can't actually complain. I've managed to work on a few things that needed doing, but it doesn't feel like a seize the day type of day. Nothing spectacular; nothing earth shattering; nothing above and beyond. That being said, I didn't spend the day in bed, with the covers pulled over my head. I do remember having days like that, but it's been a while. Thank God. Actually, it was my dog that taught me to stop doing that, unless I'm sick. She had to go for a walk, go outside, be fed. What a lifesaver she was. I miss her. I'm still enjoying my homemade bread. I'm not sure if I'll be going back to store bought anytime soon, if at all. Then again, I haven't tried to make a PBJ sandwich, yet, and that is a consideration. I suppose, it feels more of a silly type of day. Nothing serious, nothing life-changing. A simple, ordinary day. Those are nice.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.