Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week Three of REAL...

Hanging about at 240 lb. A bit discouraging, but at least I'm not packing on the pounds again. I'm back to trying to convince myself that I do not need to hide behind my weight. A never-ending circle. I hope that one of these days I actually believe it.

In the news, they are bantering about the ideas that if you are obese you should be required to sign up with Weight Watchers. How easy it is to solve everyone else's problems when you don't actually have to do the work. There was also the threat that obese children should be taken away from their parents, because their parents were doing more harm than good. Another "stellar" piece of reasoning. Not. And then I was amused to note, last week, another article stating that despite posting calories, etc, people's eating habits haven't change. Why are they surprised? Did they really think it would? These are the same yo-yos who say that eggs are bad, and then say that eggs are good for you. I stopped keeping track of how many times that bit of idiocy bounced back and forth across the net. (That's the figurative tennis net, volleyball net, badminton net.) If I'm up-to-date, eggs are good for you currently. It also sounds like "they" may be judging everyone by what they would do themselves. That's called a tactical error. It falls into that funny category of "If you assume, then you make an..."

"They" keep touting the need to change and how to do it. If it's so simple, why haven't they patented the process and made scads of money? Do they really think that many of us who struggle with weight enjoy not being able to move as easily as we'd like, can't buy clothes like we'd like, don't feel as well as we'd like? In all their self-righteous, YES, self-righteous if-you-would-only ignorance, they never bother to ask WHY someone is the way they are. Instead, there's that funny category again: If you assume...

So, I'm going to turn their logic on them. If America is growing fatter that means we used to be skinnier. If that's the premise we're going with, then doesn't it seem logical to go back to eating the way we used to eat when we were skinnier? That means no diet drinks, no diet snacks, no fat-free/sugar-free/calorie-free whatever. By their logic, shouldn't we go back to eating butter, whole milk, fried foods, and red meat? Just sayin...

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.