Friday, July 1, 2011

God bless Greece...

Today, I was grateful to see that Greece has banned ships from leaving their ports to join the Gaza Flotilla.

For all those who want Israel to go back to the pre-1967 borders, do you truly know what that means? Have you listened to the threats? Or is your head buried in political correctness? The world is not a warm and fuzzy place where everyone wants to "get along." There truly are people out there ready and willing to kill themselves in an effort to kill as many others of those they hate at the same time, though I do notice that the leaders aren't willing to make that sacrifice. Why don't they lead by example?

There is hate that runs deeper than any feel-good guru can reach, and evil is real. Evil revels in blood and pain and death.

Now, if that's all too unpleasant, here's a different perspective: Why don't you go back to your pre-1967 wages. That means Congress will be making $33,000 per annum while the President made $100,000. The minimum wage was less than $2. I did notice something interesting: Compared to the 2009 dollar worth, in the late 60s that $2 was worth $10. Compare that to today: Minimum wage is $8.75 and only worth $5, as of 2010, and dropping. So maybe you would like to go back to the pre-1967 wages. Yeah, sure, good luck with that.

Will we gather evidence until it is too late...

I watch what is happening and think: Some of the names have changed, but history is repeating itself. Apparently, there are those who refuse to learn from it. I read of the Germans who did not know what was going on, but felt something was wrong and felt powerless to do anything. There were those who knew and hoped to reason with the people who did not hold the same values, failing to comprehend that you cannot reason with those whose morals are corrupt. And there were those who attempted to do something, but failed, dying in the attempt.

Where am I? I know something is terribly wrong, but feel powerless to do anything. My only hope is that God is in control, and I pray I have the courage to stand where He has asked me to stand.


  1. Hi Judy,

    Happy 4th of July. Thanks so much for stopping by. May we keep Israel in our prayers as the Lord commands.


  2. Amen and you're welcome, and again congrats on all the wonderful things happening in your life. It's a joy to hear such good news.

  3. Beautiful. You called it right. Each standing in their place. God does that in the Bible, too. I think it was the same prophet/warrior that requested a fleece. Looked it up...Gideon. Awesome strategy.

  4. When I visited Israel sometime ago, I saw where the borders were in relation to Jerusalem. It was horrific - and the reality of what happened from the heights overlooking Jerusalem were horrific also. Easy to pick up a rifle and shoot anyone on the streets of her capital. Not good. Not something to go back to.

  5. Wow! What an incredible experience, Sharron. I'm so glad you were able to visit, and thanks for sharing a little of it here.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.